

Digital strategy is the company's core strategy in the next 15 years, and the core support for the company's sustainable development and growth. Specifically:

Enterprise origin is the key, and digital transformation empowers. Integrate digital technology, create digital management, boost the construction of digital power grid, digital energy and digital society, cherish the environment and save resources. According to the technological, political and economic environment, around the three core strategies of product, service and experience, the top-level design is based on demand-driven, model-driven and test-driven, and the implementation is based on three processes (source process, basic process and scenario process), three data (source data, basic data and scenario data), and three algorithms (source algorithm, basic algorithm and scenario algorithm), Realize the digitalization of the whole process of enterprise operation, create the digitalization of the whole life cycle of products, services and experiences, and create value for customers and society.

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