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Touching Power Figures and Teams
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As the only co-organizer, we participated in the selection and award ceremony of "Touching Power Figures and Teams" to cheer for the dedication of the power industry and contribute to the healthy development of the power reform.

太白县| 靖远县| 公主岭市| 玉门市| 泰州市| 白沙| 徐汇区| 成安县| 丹巴县| 多伦县| 招远市| 奉化市| 宁化县| 揭西县| 兴和县| 三河市| 高安市| 惠东县| 固阳县| 义乌市| 朝阳市| 青川县| 会昌县| 桐乡市| 江永县| 盐边县| 许昌县| 永平县| 东源县| 高清| 合江县| 莫力| 吉首市| 霍山县| 武穴市| 巧家县| 东丽区| 阳城县| 永泰县| 右玉县| 恩施市|